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New Rochelle Auto Accident Attorneys

Auto Accident Attorney in New Rochelle

When you suffer physically and emotionally because of another driver’s negligence, securing legal help better ensures that you recover the damages you deserve. Sattler Law Group car injury attorneys have the experience and skills to handle an injury case successfully. Let us handle your case and protect your rights, rather than take your chances with an insurance company.

Insurance Companies Are Not on Your Side

You may have hard evidence that the other driver caused the accident and that you suffered harm, but that does not make for a slam-dunk case with insurance companies. Insurance providers do everything possible to keep from paying accident victims a fair settlement. They count on you accepting a low-ball offer because you may not know your rights. Their first settlement offer represents a mere opening to negotiations, and this is usually not your best option when settling.

It is a good idea to get a free consultation on a car accident case from an experienced personal injury attorney first, rather than go up against an insurance company alone. You should not have to worry about keeping your guard up every time you speak to an insurance adjuster. Instead, you should concentrate on recovering from your car accident injuries while an experienced auto accident attorney fights for your rights and fair compensation.

Car Accident Attorneys Help Secure a Favorable Outcome

You don’t have to take chances handling your car accident case alone. Our injury attorneys will review the facts surrounding your accident case and offer guidance about your most favorable options and outcomes.

Whenever there is a need to contact an insurance carrier, we handle all communications for you. That way, you do not have to worry about saying the wrong thing and/or having the insurance company using your words against you. If necessary we will also deal with the insurance carrier’s legal team to negotiate a fair settlement.

Our accident attorneys will also help you gather evidence about your case which can help you to secure fair compensation. Helpful proof in a car crash includes witness statements, police reports, photographs, and medical reports. With so much to organize and keep track of, you deserve to have someone with legal experience help you through the complicated and challenging process.

Recover All the Damages You Deserve

With pain and suffering, you may be entitled to compensation for your physical pain, limitations, decrease in quality of life, stress, anxiety, depression, and any other mental anguish you endure as a result of a car accident. In New York, medical professionals will document your injuries and complaints and this ultimately and help build evidence of the emotional, physical and mental harm you suffered from an auto collision.

You must also think about future damages when working on your car accident case. For instance, serious injuries could require several months of rehabilitation and physical therapy. During that time, if you cannot work, your household bills and your worries pile up. If you accept an insurance settlement too quickly, you could leave yourself open to paying the long-term costs of another person’s negligence.

Sattler Law Group P.C. will go to every length to help you recover all of the damages you deserve. 

Negligent Drivers Must Answer for Causing Wrongful Deaths

When a car accident results in a fatality, surviving family members deserve compensation for the loss of their loved one as well as compensation for funeral and burial expenses. Auto accident fatalities may also involve pain and suffering, medical expenses, loss of love, and loss of consortium. While a wrongful death claim cannot bring back a loved one, it may relieve the financial burdens caused by a loved one’s unexpected, unnecessary and untimely death.

Get Legal Help for All Manner of Auto Accidents

Due to the many factors which may cause motor vehicle accidents, we make it our mission to help clients with all kinds of auto accidents:

  • Reckless Driving: Caused by neglecting to follow the rules of the road and excessive speeding
  • Distracted Driving: When motorists pay more attention to their phones or other things rather than the road
  • Adverse Weather: Snow, rain, and ice do not absolve negligent drivers of car crashes
  • Drunk Driving: When intoxicated drivers get behind the wheel and on the road rather than in an car service

If you even suspect that you may have an auto accident claim, call us. Let us review your case and advise you of your options.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

You cannot afford to take avoidable risks with your physical, emotional, and mental health on the line. If an irresponsible driver’s actions harmed you or a loved one, Sattler Law Group P.C. here to fight for your rights. To schedule your FREE consultation, call one of our representatives at 914-239-4900 or submit an online form

Why You Need a New York City Car Accident Attorney

If you sustained injuries in one of the hundreds of car accidents caused by negligent drivers that occur daily in New Rochelle and New York City, we believe that you deserve compensation. Although you can attempt to obtain damages for car accident injuries from liable insurance companies yourself, you probably won’t receive as much as if you hire a reputable auto accident attorney.

Unfortunately, insurance carriers don’t like to pay compensation to car accident victims. They will try several tactics to get you to agree to accept a minimal amount to settle your claim. If you hire a car accident lawyer from Sattler Law Group, we won’t let them get away with mistreating you.

How Can Car Accident Attorney Help You?

Car accident cases require proving the negligence of the person who caused the accident. Even if you think you have a cut-and-dried case, the insurance company will try to blame you and portray their client as innocent. You’ll need credible evidence and competent NYC car accident attorneys on your side to build a winning case.


When you hire car accident lawyers at Sattler Law Group, we begin gathering evidence immediately to support your car accident case. Examples of evidence that we will try to obtain in a car accident case are: 

  • Photos
  • Police reports and /or driver statements such as an MV104
  • Dash cam or other relevant videos
  • Google maps
  • Witness statements
  • Social media posts
  • Phone records
  • Medical records and radiological films to prove injuries
  • Medical experts, and 
  • Employment information (in cases with lost earnings.)
Evidence - How Can Car Accident Attorney Help You

These are just some examples of the information that we may seek out to help prove your case. Of course, each car accident case is different, and the pursuit of evidence will be tailored to each individual case. However, our car accident attorneys know the type of evidence that we will need at trial to succeed, and we know how to obtain this information.

Your Claim

There is more to handling a car accident lawsuit than gathering evidence, and the team at Sattler Law Group will help you with all of it. We will tirelessly and aggressively advance your claim, and if the case cannot settle, we will litigate your case. Litigation means that we will take legal action and utilize the court system to prosecute your case. In addition, while we are representing you, we will also:

  • Advise you throughout the process so you can make better decisions
  • Speak to the insurance company on your behalf
  • File paperwork for you
  • Aggressively negotiate to get you a satisfactory settlement offer
  • Provide personal, compassionate support while you focus on recovering from your injuries, and 
  • Address your concerns

New York’s laws surrounding car accident claims are complicated and challenging to navigate on your own. Our firm has years of experience handling personal injury cases and therefore we are intimately acquainted with these laws and can guide you through them. We know that you have health-related and financial concerns because of your injuries, so let us handle the legal issues common in auto accidents for you.

Are You Looking for a New York Car Accident Lawyer?

Sattler Law Group is dedicated to assisting our clients in obtaining maximum compensation for their injuries after a car crash. With decades of legal experience, our attorneys are well qualified to represent your best interests during the personal injury lawsuit process.

We have two locations for your convenience, and you can reach someone on our website via live chat 24/7 who will answer questions about your potential case. We also offer other ways to contact us: you can call us 24/7 at (914) 239-4900 or submit our contact request form. Someone who speaks Spanish is always available.

We’ll begin by assessing your case during a free initial consultation with a NYC car accident lawyer. You can come to us, or we’ll come to you. Best of all, you won’t pay any fees unless we recover compensation for you. Contact us today so we can show you why we receive so many five-star ratings.